Tuesday, July 27, 2010

BLT Sandwich

Today was such a HOT day! My house would not stay cool and that meant I wasn't going to cook. Dinner options were pretty limited at this point, cereal (which we ate last night), fast food (blah), or sandwiches. I always know it has to be tasty and filling so my children wouldn't come to me later saying they were still hungry.

I remembered my mother-in-law making us BLTs (Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato) sandwiches. Super simple microwave or fry up some bacon. Put on whole wheat bread. Flavor to taste with mayo, mustard and salt and pepper (a must in my house). Place lettuce, tomato and bacon on the bread and enjoy. My husband was very excited when he heard what I was cooking. This is one of his favorites!! Who would have guessed a sandwich night becoming something to cheer about.

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